
Letras: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

Mostrando Ocurrencias para: fer-de-lance, bushmaster

aalbut aingwa

I. N

1. animal,reptile fer-de-lance, bushmaster
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Aalbut aingwa baingbi. Naing aalbut arngutuing. Ma yarngutka ma imalngi. Aalbut aing dakta skuutaamaka, ma imalngut.
    That is the real tamagou that is. This snake bite. When he bites you, he kills you. When we no have the snake doctor you die.





  • Etnográfica:
    Most Rama seem to categorize both the fer-de-lance and bushmaster as albut aingwa, barba amarilla and toboba in Spanish, respectively. Very central in the life of the Ramas and in their belief system. Variations on how to dispose of one that is killed; one commn belief that the head should be buried and the body dashed away. For the snake in this photo, the whole animal was buried at the bush edge of an occupied piece of land.